Are you are out of work, feeling stagnant in your current role, need to transition to the next phase of HR, or just need to refire your HR career?
This presentation is designed to help assess your current situation, establish a meaningful strategy, and determine actions needed for execution. Michael Lovett presented this presentation to HRMAG-Members in Transition (MIT) group on March 19, 2015. The following presentation offers suggestions for you to refire your work life, find your passion and evaluate your personal career needs.
As an HR professional, it is important to understand the current retooling of the HR function. Deloitte’s 2015 Global Human Capital Trends report indicates that while talent is a top organizational priority, only 5% of respondents rated their HR performance as excellent — virtually no improvement over last year. There is an opportunity to reinvent the HR function to better meet business demands.
How do you refire your career? How do you see the human resource function changing?